This site started 23.02.2024. I haven't coded anything before this, and I'm not much into journalling so don't expect too many coherent things from me.
Furthermore, this website will be updated frequently, at least until my enthusiasm runs dry. If something seems lacking, it probably is, and might be updated in the future.
Browsing old or obscure websites with tools like has made me realize just how cool old-looking websites are. And every good geo/neocities website needs a guestbook. In good old "myself"-fashion though, my guestbook will look like utter dogshit for the foreseeable future.
If you'd be willing, I would love to have your words on my page. Leave anything, your thoughts on the website or feelings on life. I have no idea how long these neocities-sites will last, but to have words of strangers on my website would make me very happy. The internet can still be pretty cool, if you allow it.